Thursday, 26 April 2012

Overkill 4.5% (45SPEC014)

For our May special we thought we'd experiment a little, well a lot actually.  First of all this is our first wheat beer and secondly it's the first time we've used fresh fruit in a beer.  So, coming soon to a bar near you is Overkill a rhubarb wheat beer named after the Motörhead album from 1979.

Why Overkill you may ask.  Well, as well as a cynical attempt to appeal to heavy rock fans (just kidding), we thought that since the wheat beer is a German beer style the fact that Motörhead use an umlaut in their name was kind of appropriate.

Why rhubarb you may also ask.  Well here in Whitwood, West Yorkshire we are on the edge of the largest rhubarb growing area in the UK - known locally as The Rhubarb Triangle.  So the fruit used in the beer is locally grown here in West Yorkshire.

Andrew:  I'll be honest I'm not a fan of Motörhead apart from a couple of classic singles.  I don't own an album but I'm going to try and find a secondhand vinyl copy of Overkill!  Ahh, I still remember eagerly sitting down to watch the first episode of series two of the Young Ones featuring Ace of Spades as the musical number while Mayall, Edmundson, Planer and Ryan tore around Bristol flicking the Vs at bemused British Rail staff at Temple Meads.  After me everyone 'crop rotation in the 14th Century was CONSIDERABLY more widespread after...'.


Replicas 4.5% (45SPEC013)

In February 2012 we launched a brewing competition with the Leeds Homebrew Society, the winner getting to have their recipe brewed commercially as our April 2012 special 'Replicas'.

Firstly, a bit about the competition.  The parameter we set for the entrants was that the beer must contain only European hops.  We received eight entries and a distinguished panel of tasters convened at Mr Foley's Cask Ale House in Leeds at the end of February to decide a winner.  After much slurping and beard stroking (literal and metaphorical) the winner was announced as Peter Hindle from Doncaster.

Peter came and brewed with us in the middle of March and the beers started shipping late March/early April.  Casks made it as far afield as the Euston Tap in London and more locally at Doncaster Beer Festival, Doncaster's Cask Corner and Pontefract's The Golden Ball.  There are a few casks still out there so keep your eyes peeled.  There'll be one going to Coopers in Guiseley for a beer festival on 18/19 May.

Secondly, the album reference.  'You know I hate to ask but are friends electric?'.  Enough of a clue?   Yes, it's the classic Tubeway Army album Replicas from 1979 featuring the No.1 smash hit single (not 'arff) 'Are Friends Electric?' and the less well known 'Down In The Park'.

Andrew:  I came to this album only in the last few years though I had the single from way back.  Are Friends Electric has always been one of my favourite singles.  Despite singing the song in his cold, automaton style, Gary Numan still manages to inject a huge amount of emotion into the song.  The line 'you see you mean everything to me' still raises the hairs on the back of the neck.

 ..and finally the beer.  It is described as a pale ale but is actually somewhere between a pale ale and a traditional bitter.  It's a pale brown colour and drinks with a medium body.  There is a degree of sweetness on the finish.  The hop profile is spicy and citrus with a little peppery note.