Friday, 31 December 2010

NYE 2010 Shuffle

And now, from the sublime to potentially ridiculous....

I am handing my next hour or so's listening to the iPod gods. 15000 songs to choose's the shuffle.

1. Dirt Crew-Largo - Marc Romboy (90's electronic dance / chillout, ok I guess)
2. Sunburn - Muse (Yeah!! Love this track. From their first album, Showbiz)
3. Run Like Hell - Pink Floyd (From The Wall - apt given recent student riots)
4. The Next Episode - Dr. Dre (Great stuff, lots of Dre & Snoop Dogg fluffin' and chuffin')
5. Got To Get You Into My Life - The Beatles (From Revolver)
6. Battery In Your Leg - Blur (From Think Tank)
7. Trampled Under Foot - Led Zeppelin (There's always a time and place for some Led Zep)
8. Happiness - Goldfrapp (From Seventh Tree)
9. Climbing Up The Wall - Radiohead (From the perennially No.1 ranked album OK Computer)
10. What You Need - Powerhouse (Random dance tune - I feared this might happen :-)
11. Confide In Me - Kylie Minogue (My fave Kylie tune - and no gold hotpants in sight!)
12. Hanna Hanna - China Crisis (Meh! Never a big fan, this must be N's!)
13. Death Will Never Conquer - Coldplay (75 seconds long - next!)
14. The Bones Of You - Elbow (Fantastic song from the brilliant Mercury prize winning album The Seldom Seen Kid)
15. Jilted John - Jilted John (Apparently Gordon is a moron)
16. Good Morning Good Morning - The M's (No idea what this is!)
17. Lessons In Love - Level 42 (I can picture the slap-bass....yawn!)
18. Don't Get Lost In Heaven - Gorillaz (I like all their albums, this track's from Demon Days)
19. Where Angels Play - The Stone Roses (Not one of their best - IMHO)
20. Let's Get High - Dr.Dre (I've only got one Dre album and this is the 2nd track shuffled?)
21. Parklife - Blur (A classic, one does try not to get intimidated by the dirty pigeons)
22. Once I Flew - White Town (I doubt I've ever listened to this before, bought the album for Your Woman)
23. Sure Took Magic - Re-Birth (Not sure I've ever heard this either!)

Gonna do just a few more - I do want to end on a high note though.......let's see.......

24. Short Circuit - Daft Punk (OK, but not the high note I'm looking for)
25. Alive - Black Eyed Peas (From The E.N.D.)
26. Come Live With Me - Heaven 17 (I was 37, you were 17??)
27. Do Nothing - The Specials (Still waiting for the big finish!)
28. Spooky - Dusty Springfield (Sheer class!)
29. The Wonderful World Of The Young - Danny Williams (A croony tune from 1962)
30. Alternative Ulster - Stiff Little Fingers (Their wish came true, eventually)

And that will do. As a wrap up, I would say that it's been great listening to music and having to think about what, if anything, it means to me.
As well as reminding me that there is a lot of music I own that I never listen to, more than anything I think it illustrates music's ability to transport oneself back to a specific time and place.

Now to drink some of our beer to celebrate a fun day. Happy New Year!

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